The Sanctuary of Diana, between history and mythology

The sanctuary of Diana Aricina is an impressive sanctuary located on the southern shore of Lake Nemi, a few kilometers from Rome. Inside the sanctuary was worshiped the Diana Nemorense, a multifaceted goddess: hunting divinity (as Artemis), moon (as Selene), inferno (as Hekate), fertility (as Lucina) and tutor of the Bare women. Within this sanctuary were also worshiped two minor gods, Egeria Bride of Numa Pompilio and Virbio. Egeria would have been transformed by Diana into an aquifer source that would be recognized in the monumentalization of the water lily present in the sanctuary complex. Virbio, according to tradition, might be the young Hippolytom who escaped from Mother Pure and Father Teseo. Another interesting figure is the Rex nemorensis, the only character who could shoot armed inside the sanctuary because he had to constantly defend himself from the sudden attack of a fugitive slave who would have attacked his life to become the new rex ​​nemorensis, the temple priest . A sanctuary therefore rich in history, legends, traditions and mysteries. Worth to be seen? Absolutely yes!!
– AH

Autore: ancienthistoria

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